September 2016 Sky
- Posted by OCastronomy
- On September 1, 2016
- Aldebaran, equinox, Jupiter, Mercury, Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, Regulus, Saturn, Solar Eclipse, Spica, Venus
September 2016 Sky
1 | Annular Solar Eclipse from 6:13 to 12:01 UT. Greatest eclipse at 9:08 UT. Path of annularity extends from the southern Atlantic Ocean, across central Africa and Madagascar, and into the Indian Ocean. Partial eclipse over a much wider area covering Africa, Madagascar and much of the Indian Ocean. • Eclipses of 2016 (NASA) • Partial Solar Eclipse of 2016 September 01 (GIF)(NASA) |
1 | New Moon at 9:03 UT. Start of lunation 1159. • Lunation Number (Wikipedia) |
2 | Moon near Jupiter (18° from Sun, evening sky) at 22h UT. Mag. -1.7. Much brighter Venus is nearby. |
3 | Moon near Venus (24° from Sun, evening sky) at 11h UT. Mag. -3.9. Jupiter shines bright nearby. |
5 | Moon near Spica (evening sky) at 0h UT. |
6 | Moon at apogee (farthest from Earth) at 19h UT (distance 405,055 km; angular size 29.5′). |
8 | Moon near Saturn at 22h UT. Mag. +0.5. |
9 | First Quarter Moon at 11:49 UT. |
13 | Mercury at inferior conjunction with the Sun at 0h UT. Mercury passes into the morning sky. |
16 | Penumbral Lunar Eclipse from 16:55 to 20:54 UT, mid-eclipse at 18:55 UT. Best near mid-eclipse. • Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of 2016 September 16 (PDF)(NASA) |
16 | Full Moon at 19:05 UT. • Full Moon Names (Wikipedia) |
18 | Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 17h UT (361,896 km; angular size 33.0′). |
18 | Venus 2.4° NNE of Spica (28° from Sun, evening sky) at 20h UT. Mags. -3.9 and +1.0. |
21 | Moon very near Aldebaran (109° from Sun, morning sky) at 23h UT. Occultation visible from East Africa, the Middle East, and SW Asia. • Occultation of Aldebaran (IOTA) |
22 | September equinox at 14:21 UT. The time when the Sun reaches the point along the ecliptic where it crosses into the southern celestial hemisphere marking the start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. • Equinox (Wikipedia) |
23 | Last Quarter Moon at 9:56 UT. |
26 | Jupiter at conjunction with the Sun at 7h UT. Passes into the morning sky (not visible). |
27 | Moon near Regulus (35° from Sun, morning sky) at 22h UT. |
28 | Mercury at greatest elongation, 18° west of Sun (morning sky) at 19h UT. Mag. -0.5. |
29 | Moon near Mercury (18° from Sun, morning sky) at 10h UT. Mag. -0.6. |
September 2016 Sky All times Universal Time (UT). USA Eastern Summer Time = UT – 4 hours. |