March 2025 Sky
- Posted by OCastronomy
- On March 1, 2025
March 2025 Sky
1 | Moon near Mercury at 5h UT (16° from Sun, evening sky). Mag. −1.0. |
1 | Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 21:20 UT (distance 361,964km; angular size 33.0′). |
2 | Moon near Venus at 5h UT (evening sky). Mag. −4.6. |
5 | Moon near the Pleiades at 14h UT (evening sky). |
6 | Moon near Jupiter at 11h UT (evening sky). Mag. −2.3. |
6 | First Quarter Moon at 16:32 UT. |
7 | Moon at northernmost declination (28.7°) in 2025 at 16h UT. |
7 | Moon near M35 star cluster at 21h UT (evening sky). |
8 | Mercury at easternmost elongation at 6h UT (18° from Sun, evening sky). Mag. −0.3. |
9 | Clocks forward 1 hour (America) |
9 | Moon near Mars at 2h UT (evening sky). Mag. −0.1. |
9 | Moon near Castor at 6h UT (evening sky). |
9 | Moon near Pollux at 12h UT (evening sky). |
10 | Moon near Beehive cluster M44 at 14h UT (evening sky). |
12 | Moon near Regulus at 9h UT (evening sky). |
12 | Saturn at conjunction with the Sun at 11h UT. The ringed planet (not visible) passes into the morning sky. |
14 | Total Lunar Eclipse begins at 6:26 UT and ends at 7:31 UT. Greatest eclipse at 6:59 UT. Partial phases begin at 3:57 UT and end at 10:00 UT. During totality the Moon will appear red-orange in color once it passes into the Earth’s shadow, the color of all the sunsets and sunrises in Earth’s atmosphere. The total eclipse will be visible from the Pacific, Americas, west Europe and west Africa. • Total Lunar Eclipse of 2025 Mar 14 (PDF) (NASA) • Lunar Eclipses (2021 – 2030) (NASA) • Eclipses of the Moon (Mr Eclipse) |
14 | Full Moon at 6:55 UT. |
16 | Moon near Spica at 20h UT (morning sky). |
17 | Moon at apogee (farthest from Earth) at 17h UT (distance 405,754km; angular size 29.4′). |
20 | Vernal equinox at 8:59 UT. The time when the Sun reaches the point along the ecliptic where it crosses into the northern celestial hemisphere marking the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. |
20 | Moon near Antares at 17h UT (morning sky). |
22 | Moon at sourthernmost declination (−28.7°) in 2025 at 7h UT. |
22 | Last Quarter Moon at 11:31 UT. |
23 | Venus at inferior conjunction with the Sun at 1h UT. The brightest planet passes into the morning sky. |
24 | Mercury at inferior conjunction with the Sun at 20h UT. The innermost planet passes into the morning sky. |
29 | Partial Solar Eclipse at 10:47 UT (greatest). Visible from Europe, NW Africa and northern Russia. Begins 8:51 UT. Ends 12:44 UT. • Partial Solar Eclipse of 2025 March 29 (GIF) (NASA) • Solar Eclipses: 2011 – 2030 (Mr Eclipse) • NASA Solar Eclipse Page (NASA) |
29 | New Moon at 10:59 UT. Start of lunation 1265. |
30 | Clocks forward 1 hour (Britain) |
30 | Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 5:21 UT (distance 358,128km; angular size 33.4′). The second time the Moon is at perigee this month. |
March 2025 Sky All times Universal Time (UT).