August 2015 Sky
- Posted by OCastronomy
- On August 1, 2015
- Aldebaran, August 2015 Sky, Beehive cluster, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Perseid meteor shower, Pleiades, Pollux, Regulus, Spica, Venus
August 2015 Sky
2 | Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 10h UT (362,139 km; angular size 33.0′). |
7 | Last Quarter Moon at 2:03 UT. |
7 | Mercury, Jupiter and Regulus within a circle of diameter 1.0° (15° from Sun, evening sky) at 17h UT. Mags. -0.6, -1.7 & +1.3. Much brighter Venus is nearby. |
8 | Moon near the Pleiades (morning sky) at 5h UT. • The Pleiades (Wikipedia) |
9 | Moon very near Aldebaran (66° from Sun, morning sky) at 0h UT. Occultation visible from eastern Europe and west Asia. • Occultation of Aldebaran (IOTA) |
12 | Moon near Pollux (morning sky) at 9h UT. |
13 | Moon near Mars (17° from Sun, morning sky) at 3h UT. Mag. +1.7. |
13 | Perseid meteor shower maximum predicted between 6h and 9h UT. Active from July 17 to August 24. Produces swift, bright meteors (50 to 100 per hour) many with persistent trains. Favorable viewing conditions this year. • Observing the Perseids (Gary Kronk) • Meteor Shower Calendar (IMO) |
14 | New Moon at 14:53 UT. Start of lunation 1146. • Lunation Number (Wikipedia) |
15 | Venus at inferior conjunction with the Sun at 19h UT. The planet passes into the morning sky. |
16 | Moon near Mercury (21° from Sun, evening sky) at 13h UT. Mag. -0.2. |
18 | Moon at apogee (farthest from Earth) at 3h UT (distance 405,848 km; angular size 29.4′). |
19 | Moon near Spica (evening sky) at 21h UT. |
20 | Mars 0.22° S of Beehive cluster (20° from Sun, morning sky) at 18h UT. Mag. +1.8. • Beehive Cluster (Wikipedia) |
22 | Moon near Saturn (evening sky) at 19h UT. Mag. +0.5. |
22 | First Quarter Moon at 19:31 UT. |
23 | Moon near Antares (evening sky) at 15h UT. |
26 | Jupiter at conjunction with the Sun at 22h UT. Passes into the morning sky (not visible). |
29 | Full Moon at 18:35 UT. • Full Moon Names (Wikipedia) |
30 | Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 15h UT (358,290 km; angular size 33.4′). |
August 2015 Sky All times Universal Time (UT). USA Eastern Summer Time = UT – 4 hours. |